We have many ways users can log in to their GasBuddy Account. If you are having trouble logging in, read here how to use different login methods, from login links to passwords, and resetting your password.
Login Options
Login Link
Social Login
About login links
Login Troubles
Login Options
With so many passwords and logins these days, it can be hard to keep track of everything. We offer a number of options for GasBuddy users to log into their accounts securely:
- If you created a password when you made your account, or after creating your account, you can still use your password to log in. If you've forgotten your password, request a login link, and click 'Reset Password' at the bottom of the email once it is received.
Login Link
- If you didn’t create a password when you created your account, or forget your password, you can select ‘Email me a login link’ See more information on Login Links below
Social Login
- Login using Facebook, Gmail or Apple ID. Apple ID will often be disguised as a Private Relay ID
- To disconnect from your Social Login, click on the logo with the green checkmark, and confirm that you would like to unlink from that account.
About login links
A login link is a simple and secure way to sign in. Rather than remembering a password, you can simply request a login link from the device you'd like to sign in to. An email will be sent to your address and all you have to do is open the email on the same device and tap Sign in to GasBuddy.
When using login links, it is important to make sure you are opening the email and link on the same device you are requesting it on. For example- if you are trying to log in on your smartphone, make sure you are able to open your email on your smartphone. You won’t be able to log in if you request the login link from your smartphone, then open the email and link on your desktop computer.
Login Links may take up to 15 minutes to arrive in your inbox, and may end up in junk/spam folders.
*If users are having issues logging in, even after resetting their password/using a login link, recommend that they remove the app from their device, reinstall, then try logging in.
Login Troubles
A login link is a simple and secure way to sign in. Rather than remembering a password, you can simply request a login link from the device you'd like to sign in to. An email will be sent to your address and all you have to do is open the email on the same device and tap Sign in to GasBuddy.
When using login links, it is important to make sure you are opening the email and link on the same device you are requesting it on. For example- if you are trying to log in on your smartphone, make sure you are able to open your email on your smartphone. You won’t be able to log in if you request the login link from your smartphone, then open the email and link on your desktop computer. Login Links may take up to 15 minutes to arrive in your inbox, and may end up in junk/spam folders.
If you continue to have issues, please uninstall the app, then reinstall it before trying again. Alternatively, you can contact Support HERE