Requesting the deletion of your account can be completed through the GasBuddy app and website.
Request Account Deletion in the app
- Please make sure you have the latest version of the app downloaded.
- Click the menu in the top left of the For You (Home) page
- Select App Settings
- Then select ‘My Privacy Choices’ near the bottom. This will allow you to manage the privacy-related settings for your account, and provide you with the Deletion option.
Request Account Deletion on the website
- Log into
- Click your username in the top right corner
- Then Click ' My Account'
- Here you will see a 'Delete Account' option along the right side
Account closure will be pending for 48 hours, and during this timeframe, you will have the option to change your mind and reactivate the account. Once the 48 hours have passed, the account will be unrecoverable. If you have recent transactions or an outstanding balance, this will need to be cleared up before the account closure can be completed. Pay with GasBuddy accounts will need up to 30 days to be fully deleted from the system.
If you run into trouble deleting your account, submit a ticket HERE and one of our agents will give you a hand.