GasBuddy offers two leaderboards:
- Price Report Leaderboard has you competing against GasBuddies reporting in your area in terms of good prices reported.
- Points Leaderboard compares you to GasBuddies in your area in terms of points earned. You can earn points through reporting prices and completing challenges.
Leaderboards are based on a 30-day rolling total. Points you've earned 31 days ago will fall off your total.
Ensure location services are enabled and you are reporting at the station for price reports to count.
The leaderboard considers your top 10 most reported stations, and other members reporting at these same stations.
In the app, to view points and leaderboards tap Win at the bottom of the screen, then Points. You can also view your points and leaderboards by tapping your profile icon on the home screen, then tap Points.