You can still activate Deal Alerts and save without the Pay With GasBuddy card. Instead of a discount being applied directly to the transaction, you'll earn GasBack as a credit on your Pay With GasBuddy account.
- Open the GasBuddy app, locate the Deal Alert you would like to activate
- Activate the Deal Alert by tapping into the station details
- Head to that station and purchase fuel with a supported card¹ within 4 hours
- Upload a copy of your receipt to the GasBuddy app
Your savings will be awarded to your GasBuddy account in the form of a GasBack credit. In order to redeem your GasBack, users can use the Pay With GasBuddy card to purchase fuel. If you don’t have the card yet, you can sign up by clicking HERE.
After your receipt has been uploaded the system will need 1-10 days to process the receipt and award the GasBack to your account.
Some factors that may alter or decline the discount include the following:
- If combined with an additional discount/ loyalty program, other than the Pay with GasBuddy card, the discount is reduced
- The fuel Grade purchased will affect the discount received
- If the purchase was not made within the four-hour window the offer will be void
- If the purchase was made with cash the offer will be void
- If you are a Pay with GasBuddy member and don't use the Pay with GasBuddy card, the discount will be reduced.
- If the 10 days have passed and the GasBack has not been awarded please contact our customer support by submitting a ticket HERE.
1. Supported cards do not include; EBT, WIC, Foodstamps, SNAP, Fuelman, FM, EFS Fleet Card, Personal Check, HOUSE ACCT, NPCD, FLEET ONE OTR, Holtzman, Door Dash Pay, RT Gift TCH, ECOMMERCCE, GIVEX, TCH/Fleet One, Spinx Xtras card.