At a Glance:
Search for Deal Alerts in the 'Find Gas' section of your GasBuddy app.
Activate the deal before you fuel up, and fuel up within 4 hours.
Activate up to 5 Deal Alerts per day
How do I activate Deal Alerts?
Why wasn't the Deal Alert applied?
Why didn't I get the full Deal?
What are the limits for Deal Alerts?
How do I find Deal Alerts?
Search for a discount in the ‘Find Gas’ section of your app, ensuring you are logged in with the account linked to your Pay With GasBuddy card.
How do I activate Deal Alerts?
When you find a station and discount that works for you, click on the station details and click ‘Activate’.
Deal alerts and discounts shown in app include the discount you already receive with your Pay With GasBuddy card. Discounts may be different from account to account, as they are personalized for each individual.
For information on how to take advantage of Deal Alerts without using your Pay With GasBuddy card, click HERE
How do I apply a Deal Alert?
You have 4 hours to visit the station and fill up once you activate your Deal. It is applied automatically by using your Pay With GasBuddy card. The price at the pump will not change. Instead, you will see the discount reflected on your in-app/emailed receipt after the transaction is complete.
Why wasn't the Deal Alert applied?
If you didn't receive a discount for your activated deal alert, it may be due to a couple reasons:
- Wrong Station- Activated Deal Alerts are for the specific station listed in the App. Deals are provided by station owners, not by brands
- Wrong Time- You have 4 hours to purchase fuel once the deal has been activated, and 12 hours to upload a receipt when applicable
- Combining with another loyalty/discount program- when combined with another deal, the additional discount is reduced by up to 5 cents per gallon
- Redeemed offer through another reward program, such as Upside- Offer can only be redeemed once.
Why didn't I get the full Deal?
Deal Alert amounts can vary based on a few different factors, including fuel grade or whether or not another discount program was used.
What are the limits for Deal Alerts?
Limits can vary by station- please take a look at the fine print below the activated Deal Alert for details. Some stations may limit up to 50 gallons.
Up to 2 Deal Alerts can be activated at a single station within a 24-hour period, and 5 Deal Alerts can be activated across all stations within a 24-hour period. You may receive an error stating "Daily Station LImit Exhausted" if you try to activate another Deal alert after either limit is reached. You'll be able to activate new Deals the following day!